Who Owns St. Regis Atlanta?

Imagine stepping into the luxurious and elegant world of St. Regis Atlanta, where sophistication and opulence greet you at every turn. As you wander through the grand corridors and indulge in the exquisite amenities, have you ever wondered who truly owns this prestigious establishment? Who holds the key to this captivating haven? In this article, we will uncover the secret behind the ownership of St. Regis Atlanta, unveiling the remarkable individuals or entities that have come together to create this magnificent masterpiece. Prepare to be enlightened and fascinated as we delve into the mystery behind the ownership of St. Regis Atlanta.

History of St. Regis Atlanta

Origin of St. Regis Atlanta

The St. Regis Atlanta, a renowned luxury hotel, has a fascinating history that dates back to its origin. The hotel was conceptualized and developed by a group of visionary entrepreneurs who recognized Atlanta’s need for a world-class luxury accommodation option. The idea was to create a hotel that would redefine luxury and provide an unparalleled experience to its guests.

Development of St. Regis Atlanta

The development of St. Regis Atlanta was a meticulously planned project that involved a synergy of architects, interior designers, and hospitality experts. Every aspect of the hotel, from its iconic exterior to its opulent interiors, was designed to exude elegance and sophistication. The development team painstakingly selected the finest materials and incorporated cutting-edge technology to ensure an exceptional guest experience.

Acquisition of St. Regis Atlanta

The acquisition of St. Regis Atlanta marked a significant milestone in the hotel’s history. The property caught the attention of Marriott International, a leading hospitality company renowned for its portfolio of luxury brands. Recognizing the potential of St. Regis Atlanta as a flagship property, Marriott International seized the opportunity to acquire the hotel and solidify its presence in the Atlanta market.

Acquisition by Marriott International

Merger of Starwood Hotels & Resorts with Marriott International

In 2016, Marriott International announced a monumental merger with Starwood Hotels & Resorts, a global hospitality company renowned for its iconic luxury brands. This merger resulted in Marriott International becoming the world’s largest hotel company. The union combined Marriott International’s established presence with Starwood Hotels & Resorts’ extensive luxury portfolio, which included the renowned St. Regis brand.

Impact of merger on St. Regis Atlanta ownership

The merger between Starwood Hotels & Resorts and Marriott International had a significant impact on the ownership of St. Regis Atlanta. As a result of the merger, St. Regis Atlanta became part of Marriott International’s prestigious portfolio of luxury hotels. This provided the hotel with access to Marriott’s global distribution network, loyalty program, and expertise in luxury hospitality, further enhancing its standing in the industry.

Ownership Structure of St. Regis Atlanta

Parent Company

Marriott International, as the parent company of St. Regis Atlanta, plays a pivotal role in overseeing the operations and strategic direction of the hotel. With its vast experience and global reputation, Marriott International provides St. Regis Atlanta with invaluable resources and support, ensuring the hotel remains at the forefront of the luxury hospitality market.

Subsidiaries and Affiliates

St. Regis Atlanta operates under the umbrella of Marriott International, benefiting from the network of subsidiaries and affiliates associated with the parent company. These subsidiaries and affiliates provide various services and support to St. Regis Atlanta, such as marketing, procurement, human resources, and technology solutions, enabling the hotel to deliver exceptional guest experiences.

Management Agreement

Under a management agreement, Marriott International assumes the role of managing St. Regis Atlanta on behalf of the property’s ownership. This agreement outlines the responsibilities and obligations of both parties, ensuring a seamless operation and alignment of goals. The management agreement allows St. Regis Atlanta to benefit from Marriott International’s extensive expertise while maintaining its unique brand identity and luxurious guest experience.

Parent Company: Marriott International

Overview of Marriott International

Marriott International is a leading global hospitality company with an extensive portfolio of over 7,600 properties across 133 countries and territories. The company encompasses a diverse range of brands, spanning luxury, premium, select-service, and extended-stay segments. With a commitment to excellence and innovation, Marriott International has established a strong reputation for delivering exceptional guest experiences.

Corporate Ownership of St. Regis Atlanta

As the parent company, Marriott International both owns and manages St. Regis Atlanta. This ownership structure enables Marriott International to maintain oversight of the hotel’s operations, ensuring that it meets the high standards associated with the St. Regis brand. It also allows Marriott International to leverage its global resources and expertise to enhance the guest experience and drive the hotel’s success.

Other Luxury Brands Owned by Marriott International

Marriott International boasts an impressive collection of luxury hotel brands, including The Ritz-Carlton, JW Marriott, W Hotels, Edition, and, of course, St. Regis. This diverse portfolio allows Marriott International to cater to a wide range of luxury travelers, each brand offering its own distinctive style, service, and amenities. The addition of St. Regis Atlanta further enriches Marriott International’s luxury offerings.

Subsidiaries and Affiliates

Entities Involved in Operation and Management of St. Regis Atlanta

In addition to being supported by Marriott International, St. Regis Atlanta benefits from the operations and management services of various entities within the Marriott International family. These entities include Marriott’s Regional Offices, which provide localized support and guidance, as well as Marriott’s centralized functions, such as revenue management, sales, and marketing, which contribute to the hotel’s success.

Relationship with Marriott International

St. Regis Atlanta enjoys a close relationship with Marriott International, leveraging the company’s vast network, resources, and expertise for its benefit. This relationship ensures that the hotel remains aligned with Marriott International’s strategic objectives and operational standards. Such collaboration allows St. Regis Atlanta to continuously enhance its offerings and maintain its position as a premier luxury destination.

Key Shareholders in St. Regis Atlanta

While Marriott International is the ultimate owner of St. Regis Atlanta, the hotel’s ownership structure includes various stakeholders and investors who have placed their trust in the property’s potential for growth and success. These individuals and organizations play a vital role in supporting St. Regis Atlanta’s ongoing operations and future development.

Management Agreement

Nature and Terms of the Management Agreement

The management agreement between Marriott International and St. Regis Atlanta outlines the terms and conditions under which Marriott International manages the hotel’s operations. The agreement establishes the responsibilities of both parties, including financial arrangements, brand standards, and quality control measures. It ensures a cohesive and efficient management approach, allowing the hotel to thrive under Marriott International’s guidance.

Rights and Responsibilities of the Management Company

As the management company, Marriott International assumes certain rights and responsibilities in overseeing the operations of St. Regis Atlanta. These include maintaining the St. Regis brand standards, implementing marketing strategies, ensuring guest satisfaction, and maximizing profitability. Marriott International’s extensive experience in luxury hospitality positions them to excel in fulfilling these obligations.

Benefits and Limitations for Property Owners

The management agreement presents several benefits for property owners, primarily the expertise and global resources that Marriott International brings to the table. With Marriott International’s guidance, property owners can leverage the brand’s established reputation and marketing clout to attract guests and maximize revenue. However, property owners must also adhere to the brand standards set by Marriott International, limiting their autonomy in certain aspects of the hotel’s operation.

Public Ownership Information

Stock Market Listings

As a subsidiary of Marriott International, St. Regis Atlanta does not have independent stock market listings. However, investors who wish to invest in Marriott International can do so through publicly traded shares of the parent company.

Shareholder Structure

As a privately held subsidiary, the ownership structure of St. Regis Atlanta is not publicly disclosed. Ownership is primarily held by Marriott International and its affiliated entities, with other stakeholders and investors potentially having a minority stake in the hotel.

Disclosures and Financial Reports

Given its private ownership structure, St. Regis Atlanta’s financial information and disclosures are not publicly available. However, as part of the Marriott International family, the hotel’s performance would be reflected in the public financial reports of Marriott International.

Partnerships and Joint Ventures

Collaborations for Development and Operations

St. Regis Atlanta has forged various partnerships and joint ventures as part of its development and day-to-day operations. These collaborations may involve architects, designers, contractors, and service providers who contribute to the hotel’s success. By partnering with trusted industry professionals, St. Regis Atlanta ensures that it delivers unparalleled luxury experiences to its guests.

Impact on Ownership Structure

Partnerships and joint ventures do not directly impact the ownership structure of St. Regis Atlanta. However, they play a crucial role in shaping the hotel’s success and sustainable growth. Through collaboration, St. Regis Atlanta can leverage complementary expertise and resources to enhance its offerings, solidifying its position as a premier luxury destination.

Future Plans and Expansions

Investment and Development Strategies

St. Regis Atlanta’s future plans involve ongoing investment in its facilities and services to maintain its position as a leader in the luxury hospitality industry. Continued development strategies aim to enhance guest experiences and meet evolving luxury travel trends, ensuring that St. Regis Atlanta remains a sought-after destination for discerning travelers.

Renovation Projects

To retain its exceptional standards, St. Regis Atlanta periodically undergoes renovation projects. These projects encompass enhancements to guestrooms, public spaces, restaurants, and recreational facilities. By investing in renovations, St. Regis Atlanta ensures that its offerings remain fresh, up-to-date, and in line with guests’ expectations.

New Ventures and Acquisitions

St. Regis Atlanta’s ambitious growth plans may include exploring new ventures and acquisitions to expand its presence in the luxury hospitality market. By continually evaluating opportunities, the hotel can strengthen its portfolio and offer guests an ever-growing range of exceptional luxury experiences.


Summary of St. Regis Atlanta Ownership

St. Regis Atlanta, a property owned and managed by Marriott International, has a rich history and a promising future as a leading luxury hotel. Acquired by Marriott International through a merger, St. Regis Atlanta benefits from the parent company’s extensive hospitality expertise and global network. The hotel’s ownership structure enables it to leverage Marriott International’s resources while maintaining its unique brand identity.

Implications for Guests and Investors

For guests, St. Regis Atlanta’s ownership by Marriott International translates into exemplary service, renowned brand standards, and access to Marriott’s loyalty program and global network. The hotel’s ownership structure instills confidence in investors, reflecting the strong backing of Marriott International and its commitment to delivering exceptional guest experiences.

Future Outlook

As St. Regis Atlanta continues to invest in its facilities, nurture partnerships, and explore new ventures, its future outlook remains promising. With the support and expertise of Marriott International, St. Regis Atlanta is poised to thrive and further elevate the standards of luxury hospitality. Guests and investors can look forward to a world-class experience at St. Regis Atlanta, a hotel that embodies the pinnacle of luxury and sophistication.